As the 2024 season comes to a close, first let me thank everyone for allowing us to provide your Deer processing needs again this season.
With the 2024 season behind us we would like to thank all our regular faithful customers who have stood by us all these years.
Darrell and the crew at
Curtis Custom Cutting
5869 Teuscher Road
Verona, New York 13478
Click The Map To The Meat Shop
As in the past
bring a cooler
to take your processed meat home in.
All our donations go to the
Inflation has hit us like everyone else so this year's price for processing Deer is
$100 Skinned, Cut and Wrapped
When you think we are expensive
Click here
What others are charging click here
To see some of the Deer coming in click below
If you really can't afford it click the link below and I will show you how to cut your own.
Curtis Custom Cutting Skin And Break Deer To Cut Your Own - YouTube
But in any case do not hang a deer in your garage - Google Rules on safe meat storage.
As in the past do not skin the deer
or let it freeze.
We will not accept skinned or frozen deer.
Hope to see you all again next season.
As in the past
bring a cooler
to take your processed meat home in.
Thanks Again
Darrell and the crew.
Curtis Custom Cutting Commercial