Curtis Custom Cutting
The photo to the right is of Darrell's Son Matt working on the
deer processing line in the cutting a deer.
We are a small family business and do each customer's
animal separate. Notice how each animal is skinned clean and marked for
identification. Each job gets the level of personal service seldom scene
today at the area's other large volume processors.
We have all the necessary experience (40 years)
equipment (Large walk-in cooler, saws, grinders, and wrapping supplies) to
provide you and your family a first rate finished product.
Best quality plastic coated wrapping paper used to
protect your steaks from freezer burn.
- Custom Slaughtering - Our plant has cripple entry for your animals
that are down. Why pay high prices to get rid of a down cow when it is
much more cost effective to recycle this into a high quality ground
- All Meat Cutting and Wrapping done to order
- Deer done year around
- ProjectVenison
Darrell & Liz at the 2006 Buckmaster's Banquet
Some really nice deer find there way to Curtis Custom Cutting
Mike W with a nice 2007 Deer

Ron Wagner with a BIG 2007 Deer

Joe Luker with Big Buck at Curtis Custom Cutting

Almost needed a bigger truck

Mike Ladd posing with the big ones

Mark Chrysler with 2006 Big Buck

Dave with Fran Zurawski and the biggest deer of the 2005 season

Bill Nye and his brother, Tom with BIG BUCKS 2006 season

Chronic Wasting Disease results in new rules for
local sportsman. Click the lick below to the DEC web site.
Current Situation Regarding Chronic Wasting Disease
Chronic Wasting Containment Map
Matt Curtis working the production line Deer season 2005

Liz & Darrell say - See you this fall for Deer Season

Part of the "Team"
Liz, Dave & Betty

Contact Us
Search Service - Deer
Darrell breaking a deer on the line at Curtis Custom Cutting

The attractive wrap staff

Letter of thanks

Services Offered - Prices Listings
What's New
Our Very Attractive Staff
Curtis Family's D8
D8 with Matt & Jordan
The Corvette
Darrell securing the
Water wheel at lake
Elizabeth Ann
Darrell with new 2006 Ford F350
Great white hunters bring
home a meal

Directions to the shop
Jordan & Skylar October 2007
Mom & Paige
Old News Clipping
Another Old News Clipping
Darrell Curtis and Pattie
March 1973
Sergeant Darrell C. Curtis - 2004
In Memory of the
Darrell With the Jump
Then Deputy
Darrell Curtis working a road block - 1986
Click Link Below to the Verona Skydive Center Web Site

Teuscher Road Car Show
General Contracting
Valley Farms
Kaylee & Brenda - DEC employees picking up samples at Curtis Custom
Cutting for testing for CWD